Monday, June 29, 2009

Some Help in Calculating LEED Credits

In the past 18 months, nearly 100% of our projects have started out with the client or specifier asking us about the "green" factor of our products. With the desire for LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification becoming more and more commonplace, being able to quickly and accurately provide answers has become a critical determinant to winning projects.

Within our organization(s), (Sam Clar Office Furniture and The Commercial Services Group), we are fortunate enough to have Rachel Leaverton, a LEED Accredited Professional (AP), on-staff to assist us in navigating the path towards a LEED certified project. In addition to Rachel, we have found that the Gunlocke Company has a great new on-line resource that can also help.

Check out Gunlocke's Green Calculator to quickly find out how Gunlocke's products can help earn LEED credits towards certification.

See How Sustainable Gunlocke's Converge Product Line is with the new Green Calculator

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