Thursday, September 17, 2009

Update on San Francisco's East Bay Economy

The most recent economic data on the East Bay indicates that times are still tough over here on the "Sunny" side of San Francisco. Unemployment in the East Bay rose slightly from 11.1% in June 2009 to 11.3% in July 2009,

East Bay Economic Development Alliance (click chart for link)

Commercial Construction permits again fell dramatically; -52.7% in the East Bay and -72.1% in San Francisco. (comparisons are for the two year period 8/07 to 8/08 against 8/08 to 8/09).

East Bay Economic Development Alliance (click chart for link)

So where is the brighter future... The Contra Costa Times ran an article in today's edition headlined: "East Bay to lead recovery". The article points out that the East Bay lead California into the recession by 4 months, and therefore most likely will lead California out by the end of 2010. OK not a lot of great news - but we will take what we can get!