Wednesday, November 25, 2009

2nd Annual Report on the Market and Impact of Green Building

The 2009 Green Building Market and Impact Report, authored by Rob Watson Executive Editor of, and the acknowledged "Father of LEED", is now available to download a copy of report, please click (HERE).

Some highlights from the report:
  • LEED certified floor area is expected to grow by 40% versus 2008, and will account for over 7 Billion square feet of space worldwide since 2000.
  • Based on average materials costs, green building materials represented approximately $7 billion in cumulative spending through 2009, which is expected to reach a cumulative $230 billion by 2030.
  • An average of at least 580,000 employees are currently enjoying improved indoor environments in LEED buildings at present, and the "green building workforce" is expected to approach 29 million by 2020 and almost 64 million by 2030. The productivity benefits from LEED buildings to date range from $230 to $450 million.
This trend is definetely not going anywhere...