Friday, May 7, 2010

Latest Update on the East Bay Economy...

Excerpts from the latest East Bay Q2 Economic Outlook created for the East Bay Economic Development Alliance, and authored by Jerry Nickelsburg, Senior Economist at the UCLA Anderson Forecast.

Key sectors in the East Bay to watch as the recovery unfolds:

  • International trade
  • Domestic distribution
  • Manufacturing
  • Health care
  • Government
  • Technology
The report went onto say that the recovery will be export and technology led, and that the East Bay is well positioned to grow rapidly.

The report also touches on the Greening of California. Specifically the report estimates that current Green industries employ between 65,000 to 125,000 people in California. However, for Green to pull California out, two things need to take place:

  1. Demand conditions need to be right for an explosion of green production
  2. Innovation has to drive the relative price down and this innovation / creation has to occur in California
A quick read, and well worth the time. Click (HERE) to read the complete East Bay Q2 Economic Outlook and click (HERE) to read Jobs, Green Jobs and Recovery.